Comparing Secure Payment Systems: Find the Right One for Your Citizens

In a sea of secure payment systems options, finding the right one for your residents can be challenging. Your chosen platform must be engaging, convenient, efficient, and secure. It must also increase revenue for your local government organization.

However, questions remain: Which payment system is right for you and your constituents? Which one will make the transition as smooth as possible?

CORE compares secure payment systems and explains each to help you determine which will solve your greatest payment pain points.

Comparing Secure Payment Processing Systems

Payment processing systems are not one-size-fits-all. Depending on the pain points you currently experience in your organization, some might provide a better solution than others. But by using multiple payment processing options, you can take advantage of the best each has to offer.

The table below shows the top four pain points government organizations experience regarding payment systems and shows which platforms offer a solution.

Disconnected / Manual Processes
Risk Management and Compliance
Meeting the Evolving Customer Experience
Reliability of Reconciliation
Online Payments
Self-Service Payments
Mobile Payments
ACH/eCheck Payments
Hosted IVR
POS/Devices Peripherals
Wire Transfer

4 Major Pain Points that eBilling Can Solve

Still on the fence about whether you should commit to eBilling platforms? Here are the top four government pain points in organizations searching for flexible, integrated automated payment systems.

accelerate processes
Accelerate processes and increase revenue

Pain Point #1:
Disconnected & Manual Processes

Paper systems lead to disconnected manual processes, cash leakage, financial imbalance due to inaccurate manual data entry, and a lack of standardization for remote collection. Manual processes that don’t integrate at all points can make for grueling hours spent trying to solve common problems.

By using an integrated payment solution, you can:

  • Reduce your overhead expenses
  • Collect revenue promptly
  • Streamline operations
  • Increase productivity

Because digital payment solutions offer a much quicker process, government agencies can rapidly realize revenue and accelerate cash flow. Citizens can complete and remit payments anywhere, at any time. This integrates into your back-office systems for seamless reporting and management.

Pain Point #2:
Unmanaged Risk & Inconsistent Compliance

If there’s one thing government organizations must keep a close eye on, it’s compliance and risk management. Using disconnected and manual systems makes the likelihood of easily overlooking compliance requirements due to old/outdated terminals, audits, and tracking methods commonplace. These can all open your department up to unnecessary risk. It can also increase your PCI scope and other related costs.

Implement an integrated, transparent, and automated solution with enhanced security that meets government compliance before your office gets hit with fines (or a cyberattack).

top level security
Meet government compliance requirements
speed up billing processes
Improve citizen experience and engagement

Pain Point #3:
A Disappointing Customer Experience

A lack of payment channels and tender types can create inconsistent payer experiences. Technology is evolving at breakneck speed and government entities need to keep up with the expanding customer experience. Your citizens have come to expect convenience and transparency with the payment processing systems they interact with daily.

Government organizations can meet this evolving customer expectation by implementing secure digital payment systems that lead to accelerated cash flow, increased trust between your agency and the citizens you serve, and improved internal productivity.

Meet your constituents’ needs faster and more efficiently than ever with an enhanced payment system for a better citizen experience.

Pain Point #4:
Reliability of Reconciliation

Your employees are likely spending exorbitant amounts of time manually reconciling invoices. It’s essential to any government organization’s billing process because citizens count on your accuracy, transparency, and efficiency. Only automated account reconciliation is reliable enough for our modern era.

Manual reconciliation processes (especially those still dependent on paper systems) leave too much room for error. It’s a massively time-consuming process, and employees often make mistakes when it becomes tedious. Not to mention manual reconciliation opens you up to more risk for fraud.

To avoid these costly errors and operational expenses, you can digitize your reconciliation process with eBilling. Leveraging the power of integration with other software systems and automating manual tasks can streamline your financial operations.

Ultimately, this makes your system more reliable and more convenient for citizens.

Automate your reconciliation process

CORE Payment Solutions

Is CORE The Right Payment Solution For Your Constituents?


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