Ebilling and Presentment (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment)

Reduce friction in the payments process.

business woman at work
Consumer expectations for digital technology are shifting at a rapid pace. They’re looking for a seamless, modern experience for bill payments. Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment (EBPP) isn’t a common term — but it is the expected experience your constituents are looking for when they want to make payments for utilities, property taxes, licenses and permits, and much more.

What exactly is EBPP? It’s a digital-ready, connected solution for payment processing that allows organizations to manage regular or periodic billing needs for their customers. EBPP includes the elements of payment presentation, acceptance, and processing, all in one, secure platform.

CORE’s electronic bill presentment & payment solution provides an enriched self-service customer engagement platform that is fully integrated with our Advanced Cashiering that no other platform can offer. It’s a plug-and-play, configurable solution that can be tailored to your organization, with the automated end-to-end support of CORE.

Offer a Multi-Channel Platform For All Payments With Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Our PCI-compliant modern bill payment experience provides your customers with a variety of convenient and flexible options that work best for them. CORE’s Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Solution offers a complete multi-channel platform for all payment types:

  • Text-2-Pay
  • Over the counter
  • Online
  • Mobile
  • One-time
  • Automatic/recurring
  • eBilling
  • IVR

Here’s How CORE’s EBPP Can Help Reduce Friction In The Payments Process

Provides Your Customers Flexibility

Increase on-time payments by offering a comprehensive range of payment channels including online payments, hosted IVR, mobile payments, and text-2-pay. These channels help empower your customers to pay when and how they want.

Gives You Control of Communications

When it comes to communicating alerts, payment reminders (via text or email), and messaging, CORE reduces uncertainties in the payment process (and reduces time to payment).

Enables Ease & Guest Payments

For some consumers, registration can be a cumbersome process when billing portals require extraneous information. Consumers should have the opportunity to log in for advanced features, but you can eliminate friction by enabling customers to make simple guest payments.

Creates Consistency for Constituents

CORE’s unified platform creates a consistent engagement experience, with the look of your organization, that allows your customers and constituents to move seamlessly through bill, payment, and communication tasks with much greater ease.

Organizations who choose CORE’s EBPP solution cite the following as key benefits and features:

  • Add a ‘Pay Now’ button to any bill touchpoint: your website, portals, emails, apps, and digital statements
  • Responsive design for bill lookup pages, making mobile engagement easier
  • Ability to calculate penalties and discounts
  • Ability to auto-associate all bills due for a specific account or invoice #
  • Exactly match the look-and-feel of your current bills and receipts
  • Advanced capabilities to serve government, utilities, healthcare, higher education, etc.

EBPP Helps Solve Reconciliation Challenges

At times there can be 20 different ways a consumer can pay by web, in-person, mail, banking etc. causing aggregation challenges. CORE’s reconciliation & reporting is one of our key differentiators. Regardless of the payment channel, our electronic billing presentment and payment systems can provide you with accurate and timely revenue reports across departments and divisions.

Consolidate Payments In Real-Time With CORE’s Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment

Billing and payment is the most frequent consumer touch point today. Providing a biller-direct solution is a great strategy to delight your customers and provide them with the access they covet to make payments on their terms.

At CORE we can help you realize the full potential of a branded solution that reinforces your relationship with consumers.

CORE Case Studies

Discover real-world insights where government teams have transformed their operations with the help of CORE.

Davenport Iowa logo

Davenport, IA

Explore how the city saved between 15–20% on costs with CORE.
Grand County, UT logo

Grand County, UT

Learn how the county increased online payments 10x with CORE.

Beaver County UT logo

Beaver County, UT

Explore how Beaver County transformed their online payments with CORE.

Have questions about our Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment Systems?