AIC truly puts the ‘IN’ in Indiana

September 29, 2022

Last week CORE had the privilege of attending the Association of Indiana Counties (AIC) annual conference in South Bend. With over 500 participants, it was a wonderful opportunity to connect with old friends and make some new ones. We were equally impressed with how well the show was organized by the AIC team in terms of keeping vendors and exhibitors engaged with attendees.

One of the best ‘INgagement’ opportunities is when someone states ‘I knew you offered these services, but had no idea that you did these others’, or ‘how can you help us leverage our existing services into the future?’ Treasurers, clerks, IT managers, etc. came by to ‘talk shop’, ask questions, to get a better understanding of CORE’s flagship products and services including online payment services, website and engagement tools, or a host of other services we have in the works.

Engaging face-to-face and interacting in person goes a long way in this day and age, and we appreciate every opportunity.

At CORE, we’re always looking to assist and ‘raise the bar’. In addition, it’s wonderful to hear from folks about how great our support and professional services teams are, and bring those compliments back to the team. We’re grateful to be a company that provides tools that our customers rely on daily, with a division that’s local to our growing Midwest customer base.

Thank you AIC – we look forward to working with you more, and of course seeing everyone again in 2023!

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