Why Digital Payments: Reduce Overhead & Thrill Your Customers

July 28, 2022 - 10am PT | 1pm ET

Learn how an EBPP solution can:

  • Lower overhead costs up to 20%
  • Build trust by reducing security risks/errors
  • Boost productivity by eliminating manual processes

Why might you need to determine whether Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment (EBPP) be the right solution for your organization?

75% of bill payments are flowing through digital channels, a trend that will increase as 54% of survey respondents will only use contactless payment solutions post-pandemic. As customer expectations rise, staff are being asked to do more with less. Now is the time to invest in modernizing your bill payment processes and reconciliation.

$170,000 – the average annual cost for processing paper invoices. End this sunken cost by investing in a solution that supports staff and customers.

6,000 – how many paper invoices one FTE can manually process per year. With EBPP they can process 90,000 payments annually.

60% – Volume of inbound calls that are billing-related. Provide your customers an online self-service portal and add time to your team’s day.

Watch now to better understand why EBPP may be right for your organization and discover how an end-to-end solution can seamlessly integrate into existing websites, portals, communications, and applications.

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